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В г. Щербинка М.О. на ул. Индустриальная, д.16 (микрорайон Новомосковский).

Описание объекта.
Сдам заинтересованному арендатору на длительный срок 2-е двухкомнатные квартиры на улице Индустриальная (микрорайон Новомосковский) в доме №16. Квартиры сопредельные (блок), каждая по 75 метров кв. Квартиры без отделки (сделана стяжка, везде медная проводка, стены и потолок оштукатурены, выведены под чистовую отделку, в окнах – трехкамерные стеклопакеты, две лоджии (из них одна – 15 кв. метров) остеклены (аллюминиевый профиль). На трубах – водомерные счетчики. Два туалета, две ванных комнаты. Имеется большой эркер. Панорамный вид из окон на микрорайон и на идиллический сельский пейзаж. Внутренние перегородки – гипсолит. Несущие – кирпич. Толщина кирпичной кладки – 1,5 метра. Дом весь заселен, теплый, обслуживается горячим теплоснабжением и электроснабжением, все новые коммуникации, водозабор осуществляется из собственной скважины. Коммунальное обслуживание домов осуществляет управляющая компания. На площадке этажа установлена антивандальная металлическая дверь. Квартиры в новом кирпичном 2-х подъездном 14-ти этажном доме. Установлен фирменный домофон и металлическая дверь внизу. Работают два бесшумных лифта «Otis» (грузовой и пассажирский) с антивандальными кабинами. Мусоропровод. Имеется черный ход. Консьерж. Имеется возможность немедленной коммерческой установки московского городского телефона. В доме смонтирован собственный мощный сервер «РеалКом», связанный опто-волоконной связью с каналом московского Центрального Телеграфа. Скорость передачи данных – не ограничена. Микрорайон элитный. Имеет собственную развитую инфраструктуру. Асфальтированные дороги. Во дворе – детский садик, рядом музыкальная школа, работает банк, большой супермаркет «Копейка», работает много коммерческих фирм и организаций, в микрорайоне - многоярусные гаражи, паркинг, детские площадки, много зелени, ведется строительство физкультурно-оздоровительного комплекса с бассейном. Рядом историческая усадьба «Аксаково», парк «Битца». В микрорайоне проживает большое количество семей работников администрации города и области. Имеется опорный пункт милиции.

Транспортные коммуникации.
Рядом находится ж/д платформа «Щербинка». Две минуты до платформы «Бутово», 15 минут до платформы «Царицыно». 8 км до Варшавского Шоссе и Симферопольского шоссе.
Автолайны и рейсовые автобусы до ст. метро «Бульвар Дмитрия Донского» и «Анино».
В 2007году запланировано строительство собственной станции метро.

Владислав Иосифович. Рабочий телефон: 250-2640, 251-8002, 250-5803, 251-6676, 711-7347.

Условия арендного контракта – по взаимному согласованию сторон.

The offer of Excellent spacious apartments for RENT for a long term (inexpensive) : the block of two (2) adjacent flats each one two- rooms apartments ( 75 sq.m. /each = both making 150 sq.metres) from the OWNER direct, without any intermediaries.

The location of apartments: The city of Sherbinka – is the satellite-town boardering & adjacent to the huge megapolis of Moscow . The premises are located in the city of Scherbinka Moscow Region, at Industrialnaya Street, 16 (the elite just newly erected micro-district “Novomoskovsky”). The district is very close (5 minutes walk) from the railway platform “Scherbinka”. Just two minutes from railway platform “Butovo”, 15 minutes from railway platform “Tsaritsino”. Just trifle 8 kilometres drive to Varshavskoye & Simpheropolskoye Shosse. Regular auto-lines & buses (just 10 minutes drive) to “Bulvar Dmitrya Donskogo” & “Anino” moscow metro stations. (“the grey line” of moscow metro subway system).
For the year of 2007 the construction of the own metro platform in Scherbinka (the continuation of the so-called “light metro” from Southern Butovo – has been provisioned & scheduled.

The discription of dwelling apartments:
Hereby I propose for the interested counter-party to let for rent & lease for a long term (at least for 3 full years) the block of 2 adjacent two-rooms apartments (totally making: 2 shower-rooms, 2 toilet-rooms, 2 kitchens (kitchen + dining room), 2 bedrooms, 2 sitting-rooms, 2 loggias (one 15 sq.m + 6 sq.m.), 3 halls = all making more than 150 sq.m. in just recently erected elite micro-district “Novomoskovsky” of brick houses on Industrialnaya Street.

Both flats are without the finishing inner interior decoration, new just after construction.
The floors are fastened with concrete, the walls & ceilings are covered with plaster board all ready for interior decoration, the electrical wiring is installed with the copper high quality wires, in all the windows the high quality 3-camera polished glass in plastic frames, the loggias are glazed in reeled white alluminium frames. Upon the water pipes the water-measuring meters are pre-installed. All engineering communications are ready for installation of plumbing & sanitary equipment. No tiling. The water heating communications are operative. It is very warm & cozy inside. Two rooms & one loggia have wide erker windows. The panoramic bird’s eye view from one apartment windows upon the panorama of elite brick houses of micro-district & the city of Scherbinka, as well as upon the idillical paessagio of rural housing – from the other apartment.
The inner partition - walls are from gypseous (plaster of Paris), whilst all the solid essential walls are from the high-quality bricks. The thickness of masonry brickwork exceeds 1.5 metres! The house is all full of living dwellers, very warm in winter month & very cool in the summer! All essential inner communications (electrical, water, sewage systems & warmth supplies are brand new & fully operative & all public utilities & municipal services – are under supervision & exploitation by the authorized managing company.
The water supply is pumped from the new individual pure artesian well.
Upon the common floor landing the individual anti-vandal metal reliable entrance doors are installed.
The afore apartments are within the new elite brick 2 entrance 14-story building. Each entrance has its own separate additional porch. Consierge services.
The opportunity exists & fully open for the immediate commercial installation of moscow direct city telephone number. Within the house there is installed the powerful modern Internet server from “RealCom” provider, connected via the fiber – optical cables with all the houses in micro-district & with the direct channel of the Moscow Central telegraph at 155 kbit/sec. The speed of the data transmission is virtually unlimited. The reliable metallic anti-vandal main entrance door below has been installed with the intercom device to each flat! Two noiseless high-speed elevators from Otis (one for passengers & the other for cargo), equipped with the anti-vandal metal cabins are fully operative. There is the rubbish chute. The afore micro-district is the elite one. It proudly possesses its own highly developed infrastructure. All the roads within & without are high surfice asphalted. There are in the inner yard below – the new kindergarten, Bank, adjacent world famous Sherbinka musical school of the humanitarian youth development, the so-called College of Fine Arts ruled by the famous tutor & Scherbinka native citizen Maestro Ilya Podkaminsky. There are many market places, business & commercial firms and organizations, the grand modern food Super Market of “Kopeika” chain selling big assortment of high quality inexpensive foodstuffs & drinks. There is the big multi-storied auto-garage complex, equipped car parking areas, children playgrounds, much greenary & vegetation in warm season & much snow in winter regularly cleaned by the yard-keepers & care-takers in charge.
The construction of the own adjacent big modern fitness center with swimming pool is in full swing & underway. In the neighboring vicinity there is the famous historical russian noble farmstead estate called “Aksakovo” with big walking parks & famous “Bitza” Park area.
Worth-mentioning is the established fact that - In the elite micro-district “Novomoskovsky” the big number of families permanently dwell & reside of the Scherbinka city municipal & Moscow Regional Administration bodies employees & their immediate relatives. There is the own militia station in the district.

All the long lease contract details are upon the mutual consent of both parties involved thereto.

All the interested prospective clients – please contact:
Mr. Vladislav Galkanov Ph D Esq. – the owner in Moscow, Russia.
Office phones: +7 (495) 250-2640, 251-8002, 250-5803, Phone/Fax: +7(495) 251-6676.
Home: 711-7347

Информация об авторе:

Имя: Владислав Галканов
Телефон: +7(495)711-7347,250-2640,251-8002
Город: Москва
Дата публикации 22/12/2005
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